Setting up a cheap autodosing pump for your planted aquarium

Autodosing pumps are a great way to make sure that your aquarium plants get reliable nutrition.

In the video below, I cover how to set up a couple cheap autodosing pumps as well as how to maintain them and my thoughts on them. Are they a worthwhile product? Watch to find out!

Chapters 📖

00:00 - Intro

00:34 - Setup

01:57 - Calibration

04:28 - Hooking in the juice

07:09 - Programming

09:30 - Review

11:13 - Are fancy systems worth the extra bucks?

11:59 - Maintenance

Links to autodosing pumps

Jebao 3 & 4 pump lines -

Jecod 5 pump lines -


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Setting up your first simple, low budget planted aquarium